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Good evening

byf / dni

about me

likes / dislikes


Recently played


Men I Trust


byf /dni

eun / yeu !!!
she/they, fifteen '07, pansex

byf ☆
I platonically flirt with my moots most of the time. I tweet weird stuffs, approach me asap if i did/say something wrong or if u feel uncomfortable abt it. random twts and dumps

dni ☆
basic dni criteria (racist, p3d0, etc..), if ure -13 and +20 (unless ure my oomf)

about me

eunice, u can just call me eun/yeu
fifteen '07 liner, aquarius, infp-t
pansex and gender fluid!:DD

likes / dislikes

cats, bread, library, dark places, online games, manga/anime, gore, creepypasta, music, love letters

insects, crowded and loud places


I play the guitar, i sleep a lot, I talk endlessly when I'm comfortable with someone, I scream when I play, I don't rlly have friends irl so I seek attention online, I play pjsk and your mom's/dad's feelings hahaha